

Learn marketing at OPTIMA Distance College and become a competitive professional capable of effectively analyzing market trends, creating promotion strategies, and managing advertising campaigns!

Educational-professional program "Marketing" at OPTIMA Distance College!

Discover limitless career growth opportunities in the world of digital technologies.

Acquire deep knowledge and practical skills that will make you a sought-after marketing professional capable of effectively analyzing market trends, creating promotion strategies, and managing advertising campaigns.

Studying at OPTIMA will provide you with the freedom of a flexible schedule and the opportunity to learn from anywhere in the world, ensuring a high level of knowledge and competencies necessary for a successful career.


Set off into the world of marketing success with OPTIMA Distance College!

Our program for professional junior bachelor's degrees prepares you for various positions in the field of marketing. Our graduates can work in positions such as marketing manager, art director, brand manager, internet marketer, marketing analyst, product manager, sales manager, PR manager, and even copywriter.

Education at OPTIMA is not just about deep theoretical knowledge but also practical skills that can be applied immediately in real projects. We offer the flexibility of distance learning, allowing you to develop professionally without sacrificing personal life. With OPTIMA, you will gain everything you need to start and advance in the world of marketing, opening up limitless career growth opportunities. Join us and take the first steps toward your dream today!

OPTIMA College: modern education in relevant specializations!

At OPTIMA Distance College, we offer you a unique experience of distance learning, where your time and comfort are our priority. Forget about being tied to one place! All you need for successful learning is internet access and your favorite device. We provide you with the freedom to learn from anywhere in the world. Use the saved time for what truly matters to you: deep immersion in professional practice, well-deserved rest, or expanding your horizons with new knowledge and skills.

Маркетинг Маркетинг


During your studies at the college, the future marketer will learn to correctly prioritize, achieve set goals, develop communication skills, gain fundamental education, and develop an economic way of thinking.

Start your studies from September 1st
Study duration: 2 years 10 months.

Business Economics
History of Ukrainian Statehood and Ukrainian Culture
International Marketing
Basics of Healthy Lifestyle
Ukrainian Business Communication
Mediation and Negotiation
Management Decisions in Entrepreneurship
Economic Analysis
Foreign Language (Professional Direction)
Personnel Management
Business Etiquette and Social Responsibility
Basics of Labor Safety and Life Safety
Information Systems and Technologies in Marketing
Corporate Identity and Branding
Micro- and Macroeconomics
Information Visualization in Marketing
Investments and Innovations in Entrepreneurship and Trade
Internet Marketing
Planning of Production and Commercial Activities
Legislative Basis of Social Relations
Marketing Product Policy
Basics of Composition and Color Theory
Tuition Fees

Become a marketing expert at OPTIMA College!

The specialization program in marketing is designed

to provide students with the most up-to-date knowledge and skills necessary for success in the dynamic business world.

For detailed consultation, call +380 (67) 623-33-55

Reviews from our students

Rating: 5 / 5
Вже кілька років розвиваю свій Інстаграм і маю багато запитань до просування. Щаслива, що в коледжі "Оптіма" зв'явився напрям маркетингу, обрала цю спеціальність для себе, бо зараз без адекватних підходів до реклами нікуди. Хочу отримати професійні знання та використовувати їх для себе чи роботи з клієнтами. Впевнена, що це буде цікаво і корисно!
Оксана Манівець
Rating: 5 / 5
Давно вирішила, що хочу працювати з різними запитами і не зосереджуватися тільки на одній темі. Тому починаю навчання на спеціальності "Маркетинг" в коледжі "Оптіма". Для мене це можливість отримати сучасну професію, яка дозволить постійно дізнаватися щось нове та працювати із просуванням різних сфер та бізнесів. Ідеальне комбо для мене.
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