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Станьте успішним підприємцем із коледжем OPTIMA.
How to become a college student
How does the learning process take place?
About Us
What is cognitive psychology?
Study opportunities after 9th grade: which professions to choose?
Using Computer Modeling in Engineering Practice
The Impact of Social Media on Modern Marketing: Strategies and Practical Tips
Application of Psychophysiology in Practice: From Biofeedback to Psychotherapy
Consumer Market Analysis: How to Understand the Needs and Desires of Your Audience
Key Steps in Software Development: From Analysis to Release
The Impact of Stress on the Body: A Psychophysiological Perspective
Which Professions Will Be Relevant in the Near Future?
How to Find Motivation?
Legal aspects of commercial activity: what every entrepreneur needs to know
5 best growth strategies for small and medium-sized businesses in the modern market
Career paths after graduating in Graphic Design
commercial activities
software engineering
fundamentals of psychophysiology
entrepreneurship and trade
psychology of personality
Algorithmization and Programming: From the Theory of Algorithms to Practical Application. How Does Studying These Disciplines Shape a Future Professional?
Information Systems in Entrepreneurship: How to Master the Essential Tool for Modern Business
How to Stay Motivated and Engaged in a Distance Learning Environment
Application of Computer Modeling in Science and Technology
OPTIMA students meeting: a day of riddles, communication and new acquaintances
The role of psychological services in educational institutions
Mobile applications as part of the enterprise information system: development and integration strategies
Overview of the disciplines studied in the speciality ‘Computer Science’
What positions can graduates of the OPTIMA Marketing Programme hold?
5 trends in graphic design in 2024
Перспективи працевлаштування після здобуття диплома молодшого бакалавра в OPTIMA
How the online Counter-Strike 2 tournament went at OPTIMA College
Counter Strike 2 tournament for OPTIMA students!
Our students took part in the online training "Search for external and internal resources"
Student Council of OPTIMA Distance College: a new stage in student development!
A new project for those who love reading at OPTIMA Distance College!
Advantages of Blended Learning for Adolescent Education
Distance education does not mean a lack of communication and socialization!
Meeting of student government representatives
An unforgettable meeting of OPTIMA students in Lviv
How the OPTIMA students' meeting in Kyiv went
Defense of term papers of students majoring in Entrepreneurship and Trade in OPTIMA
Together to victory: help for Ukrainian defenders from OPTIMA students
Optimap: uniting students from all over the world!
How to decide on a career direction after studying computer science?
Post-college OPTIMA study options: universities and specialisations
How to choose the right specialisation in computer science?
Top Rules of Effective Time Management for Successful Learning
The Importance of Testing in Software Engineering: Types and Methods
Effectiveness of Content Marketing: How to Create Attractive Content for Your Audience
Personal Development Across Different Age Periods: Features and Goals
The best colleges in Ukraine
Basics of Competitor Analysis in Marketing: Finding Your Place in the Market
Basics of Computer Modeling: Concepts and Methods
Structure and Functions of the Nervous System: Introduction to Psychophysiology
Useful Tips for Balancing Time Between Study and Sports/Creativity
How to Effectively Combine Studying and Hobbies?
Why It's Important to Develop Skills and How to Do It
Tips for Effective Learning of New Material
Tips for Maintaining Motivation
How to Properly Allocate Time for Studying
Demo access to the college program – an opportunity to ensure the quality of education
Початок діяльності студентського самоврядування дистанційного коледжу OPTIMA
Webinar for students and parents on the psychology of success
OPTIMA and "Omega Development"
How Learning Takes Place at OPTIMA Distance College
How to master the IT field in the "Computer Technologies" specialization?
What do students study in the "Entrepreneurship and Trade" specialization?
Advantages of studying in the "Psychology" specialization.
State documents for education after graduation
useful tips
Psychophysiology of Emotions: How Our Feelings Affect Our Physical State
computer networks
computer modelling
computer science
internet marketing
college opportunities
effective learning
distance learning
Why choose OPTIMA Online College?
about the distance college
The Connection Between Psychophysiology and Psychology: How Studying Physiology Helps Professionals
Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses: How to Create a Successful Plan
Software Development Methodologies: Scrum, Waterfall, Kanban, and Others
Why Choose Distance Education: Advantages
How to Develop Yourself to Become a Successful Professional
Studying the Features of Commercial Activities in the Digital Age
Myers-Briggs Personality Types: How They Impact Careers and Relationships
Fundamentals of Computer Network Organization: How This Knowledge Opens New Opportunities for Modern Professionals
Why It’s Important to Create a Workspace for Remote Learning
Student self-government in the distance college OPTIMA
Освітня діяльність у коледжі
About the Colledge
Туганських Олександр Антонович
Веркалець Надія Богданівна
Гаращук Інна Володимирівна
Горпенчук Тетяна Вікторівна
Динич Альона Юріївна
Кручко Ірина Михайлівна
Люлько Ганна Миколаївна
Сорокопуд Владислав Ігорович
Трофимчук Вікторія Миколаївна
Борисенко Ірина Ігорівна
Щоголєва Оксана Михайлівна
Горбатих Вікторія Вікторівна
Дорошенко Ольга Владиславівна
Стебельська Олександра Ігорівна
Костюченко Костянтин Олександрович
Писарчук Олексій Олександрович
Єрьомін Сергій Іванович
Коптюх Оксана Миколаївна
Драга Тетяна Миколаївна
Лозінська Діана Миколаївна
Liashenko Liudmyla Stanislavivna
Конрад Тетяна Ігорівна
Барбара Наталія Вікторівна
Бесєдіна Катерина Євгенівна
Біловус Наталія Юліанівна
Зубко Катерина Юріївна
Yakymets Marianna Vyacheslavivna
Лук’янов Геннадій В’ячеславович
Новак Дмитро Олександрович
Озеран Олексій Сергійович
Петраковська Олена Володимирівна
Синельник Катерина Володимирівна
Шостаківська Надія Михайлівна
Бовсунівський Артем Юрійович
Правила користування сайтом
Політика конфіденційності
Contact Information
Professional development of employees Attestation of employees
Psychological support for students
Психологія – ключ до успіху.
Комп’ютерні науки.
Graphic Design
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