Distance CollegeOPTIMA

Earn a Bachelor's Degree remotely!

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College lectures are high-quality and informative, available 24/7. They help you effectively understand even the most complex topics. Check them out and see for yourself!


Socio-political studies


History of Ukrainian statehood and culture

Micro- and macroeconomics




Form professional competencies according to educational-professional programs
college image


Introduction to the specialty
Legislative basis of public relations
Information technology in the work of a psychologist
History of psychology
History of Ukrainian statehood and culture of Ukraine
Mediation and negotiation
Fundamentals of entrepreneurial activity
Fundamentals of psychophysiology
Psychological education
Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle
Fundamentals of psychological counseling
Social psychology
General psychology
Foreign language (for professional purposes)
Fundamentals of labor protection and life safety
Psychology of personality
Fundamentals of psychodiagnostics
Age psychology
Psychology of communication
Pedagogical psychology
Psychology of management
Fundamentals of psychological rehabilitation
Psychology of business
Communicative psychology and conflictology
Psychology of Public Relations
Psychological support of children in inclusive education
Psychology of emotions
Start studying from September 1
Duration of study: 2 years 10 months
Legal basis of social relations
Business etiquette and social responsibility
Micro- and macroeconomics
Economics of the enterprise
Finance of the enterprise
Ukrainian business broadcasting
Information systems and technologies in business
History of Ukrainian statehood and culture
Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle
Foreign language (for professional purposes)
Fundamentals of labour protection and life safety
Entrepreneurship II
Mediation and negotiation
Economic analysis
Fundamentals of stock exchange activity
Market research
Pricing and pricing policy management
Securities and the stock market
Investments and innovations in business and trade
Management decisions in business and trade
Personnel management
Planning of production and commercial activities
Start of education from September 1
Duration of study: 2 years and 10 months
Computer graphics
History of Ukrainian statehood and culture of Ukraine
Architecture of computer systems
Physical foundations of computer electronics
Computer networks
Software engineering
Linear algebra and analytical geometry
Software architecture and design
Discrete mathematics
Python programming
WEB-technologies and WEB-design
Legislative basis of social relations
Ukrainian business speech
Foreign language (for professional purposes)
Analysis of software requirements
Algorithms and data structures
Higher mathematics, probability theory and mathematical statistics
Computer Vision technology
Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle
Object-oriented programming
Information security in computer systems
Operating systems
Fundamentals of software testing
Programming for embedded real-time systems and mobile platforms
System administration and DevOps technologies
IT project management
Fundamentals of programming
Basics of labour protection and life safety
UI/UX design
Fundamentals of artificial intelligence
Electronic document management systems
IoT and SMART technologies
High performance computing
Cloud technologies
Agile methodology in IT project management
Data Science technologies
Development of gaming applications
Start of education from September 1
Duration of study: 3 years and 10 months
Legal basis of social relations
Business etiquette and social responsibility
Micro- and macroeconomics
Economics of the enterprise
Finance of the enterprise
Ukrainian business communication
Information systems and technologies in business
History of Ukrainian statehood and culture of Ukraine
Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle
Foreign language (for professional purposes)
Fundamentals of occupational safety and life safety
Data visualization in marketing
Economic analysis
Internet marketing
Product marketing policy
International marketing
Mediation and negotiations
Investments and innovations in business and trade
Management decisions in business and trade
Personnel management
Theory of taxation
Branding and identity
Planning of production and commercial activities
Start studying from September 1
Duration of study: 2 years 10 months
Means of Expression in Design Projects
Tools for Creating Photorealistic Design
Information Technologies in Modeling and Visualization
Graphic Design
Artistic-Applied Graphics
Advertising Design
Web Design
Artistic Design
Artistic and Graphic Culture in Design Projects
Layout and Material Work
Ukrainian Business Communication
Industrial Design
Material Science
Information Systems and Technologies in Design
Project-Artistic Culture
Painting, Drawing
Mediation and Negotiation
Environmental Design
Basics of Theory and History of Design
Process Technology
Basics of Plastic Anatomy
Composition Organization of Form
Foreign Language (Professional Direction)
Computer Graphics
Basics of Healthy Lifestyle
Computer-Aided Design
Legislative Basics of Social Relations
Computer design
Legislative Basis of Social Relations
Basics of Composition and Color Theory
Basics of Entrepreneurship
Corporate Identity and Branding
Basics of Labor Safety and Life Safety
Basics of Form Formation and Construction
History of Ukrainian Statehood and Ukrainian Culture
Start studying from September 1
Duration of study: 3 years 10 months

Obtaining professional higher education remotely has never been easier!

Interesting education. Practical competitive skills. Education at your own pace from anywhere in the world. Obtain the qualification of a junior bachelor and master a successful profession of the future!
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Advantages of the
«OPTIMA Distance College Project»

Our students will gain access to up-to-date knowledge, competitive competencies, and modern skills that will contribute to the rapid employment of young specialists.
advantage icon
Modern educational platform available 24/7
advantage icon
Professional and caring instructors, student support and assistance
advantage icon
Years of experience in distance learning and educational content development, including for higher education institutions
advantage icon
Professions and qualifications relevant in Ukraine, Europe, and the world
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Progressive educational methodologies, interdisciplinary approaches, supra-professional skills and competencies
advantage icon
Combination of theory and practice

How to become a student?

Education through the project OPTIMA Distance College –
– high quality, convenient, modern!
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Submit an electronic application for admission on the EDEBO website
Submit an electronic application for admission on the EDEBO website
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Provide (send) us a package of documents (remotely or in person)
Sign a contract and become a student
Sign a contract and become a student

Contact Information

If you have any questions, you can receive qualified consultation.
Kyiv, Tbiliskyi Lane, Building 4/10, Office 114

Our Team

OPTIMA Distance College is a modern educational institution created by a team of professionals: teachers, methodologists, qualified educational content developers.
Author's educational materials, a modern convenient platform for distance learning, certified learning materials create a comfortable and effective college for graduates of 9th grade schools.
bg image bg image Maria Miletska
Maria Miletska
Maria Miletska
bg image bg image Roberts Vaishla
Roberts Vaishla
Roberts Vaishla

Our blog

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Algorithmization and Programming: From the Theory of Algorithms to Practical Application. How Does Studying These Disciplines Shape a Future Professional?

Algorithmization and programming are at the core of modern technologies and computer systems. But what do these terms actually mean? In brief, an algorithm is a sequence of steps to solve a specific task, and programming allows you to implement that task. 


Information Systems in Entrepreneurship: How to Master the Essential Tool for Modern Business

It’s impossible to imagine modern business without the implementation of effective information systems. These systems boost a company’s productivity and optimize business processes, ultimately leading to increased profits from trade. 


How to Stay Motivated and Engaged in a Distance Learning Environment

Maintaining enthusiasm and staying fully focused during distance learning can be challenging but entirely achievable. How can you avoid the temptation to "hang out" on social media and waste the entire day on favorite TV shows? 


Application of Computer Modeling in Science and Technology

When you play video games, use filters on social media, or plan your route through the city with a navigator, you are already engaging with computer modeling. And that's just the tip of the iceberg!


Advantages of Blended Learning for Adolescent Education

As technology evolves rapidly and educational requirements become more flexible, blended learning is gaining particular popularity among teenagers. In short, this approach combines the benefits of traditional face-to-face and online learning. It offers the opportunity to gain education both in physical institutions and remotely. 


Psychophysiology of Emotions: How Our Feelings Affect Our Physical State

Have you ever wondered why you get a headache after a stressful day, or why you experience a sinking feeling in your stomach when you're overly anxious? Or how yogis manage to walk on nails or hot coals? 


The Connection Between Psychophysiology and Psychology: How Studying Physiology Helps Professionals

Why does a psychologist need to dive into the basics of psychophysiology and have a good knowledge of anatomy? Isn’t it enough to simply ask questions and solve problems through consultations? 


Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses: How to Create a Successful Plan

Small businesses typically have limited advertising budgets and fewer resources than larger brands. Marketers face the challenge of attracting potential customers’ attention and standing out among numerous competitors. 


Software Development Methodologies: Scrum, Waterfall, Kanban, and Others

Software is a crucial component of any information system, from mobile apps to large corporate platforms. To ensure effective development, it's essential to have a clear methodology in place. 

Reviews from our students

Katya M
Rating: 5 / 5
Тільки почала навчання, але вже відчуваю, що це було одне з найкращих рішень, всім задоволена
Віталій Р.
Rating: 5 / 5
Брат порадив цей коледж, і я радий, що пішов його порадою. Атмосфера дуже дружня, і викладачі реально хочуть, щоб ми досягли успіху.
Rating: 5 / 5
Навчаюсь тут вже рік, і можу сказати, що викладачі вкладають душу в свою роботу. Усі предмети цікаві, немає відчуття, що щось вчимо просто так.
Rating: 5 / 5
Обрала цей коледж, бо тут сучасні підходи до навчання. Дуже подобається атмосфера і те, що можна отримати реальні навички вже на перших курсах.
Rating: 5 / 5
Навчаюся на IT-спеціальності. Круто, що навчання практичне і не тільки теорія. Викладачі реально допомагають розібратися в складних темах.
Наталія Г.
Rating: 5 / 5
Моя донька вчиться в "Оптіма" вже рік. Видно, що коледж тільки розвивається, але вже зараз він пропонує високий рівень підготовки. Мені дуже подобається їхній підхід.
Rating: 5 / 5
Завжди мріяв навчатися на графічного дизайнера, і тут я отримую всі необхідні знання. Особливо подобається, що є можливість працювати над реальними проектами.
Rating: 5 / 5
Цей коледж поки що новий, але вже видно, що програми цікаві, а викладачі - професіонали.
Rating: 5 / 5
Багато чув про цей коледж, вирішив вступити. Поки що все дуже подобається, зокрема те, що акцент на практичні навички.
Олександр К.
Rating: 5 / 5
Мій син навчається в "Оптіма", і я бачу, як він розвивається і зростає. Дуже подобається підхід до навчання
Rating: 5 / 5
Graphic design
Я гарно малюю і хочу зробити це своєю професію. Думаю, спеціальність "Графічний дизайн" в коледжі мені в цьому допоможе. Хочу розширити свої знання і можливості. Мені дуже подобається програма, вона насичена і корисна. Не можу дочекатися старту!
Rating: 5 / 5
Вже кілька років розвиваю свій Інстаграм і маю багато запитань до просування. Щаслива, що в коледжі "Оптіма" зв'явився напрям маркетингу, обрала цю спеціальність для себе, бо зараз без адекватних підходів до реклами нікуди. Хочу отримати професійні знання та використовувати їх для себе чи роботи з клієнтами. Впевнена, що це буде цікаво і корисно!
Марія Левицька
Rating: 5 / 5
Entrepreneurship and Trade
Вивчення бізнесу - це не тільки навчальні курси, а й можливість розвивати лідерські якості та спілкуватися з професіоналами. Я вдячна коледжу за цю можливість!
Rating: 5 / 5
Computer Science
В коледжі я отримав не лише технічні знання, а й можливість розвивати свої навички у реальних проектах. Це був важливий етап у моєму професійному зростанні. Завдяки "Оптімі" я вже почав свою кар'єру.
Ірина Лонько
Rating: 5 / 5
На психології я зрозуміла, що спілкування та дослідження людської поведінки - це мистецтво. Дякую коледжу за цей досвід разом. Добре збалансовані заняття, хороший підхід до викладання.
Rating: 5 / 5
Навчання в коледжі мені подобається. Для мене психологія була не тільки професією, я дізналася багато нового і про себе. Дуже вдячна викладачам за підтримку та пояснення кожної складної теми. Чудовий досвід якісного навчання!
Олександр Петриченко
Rating: 5 / 5
Я почав своє навчання на психолога в коледжі "Оптіма" і ні разу про це не пошкодував. Дуже сподобався баланс теорії та практики, бо психологу без цього нікуди. Викладачі допомагали розвивати аналітичне мислення та практичні навички, що корисно в будь-якій сфері життя.
Rating: 5 / 5
Computer Science
На спеціальності "Комп'ютерні науки" я отримую не лише технічні знання, а й навички розв'язання складних завдань та роботи в команді. Це дуже корисний досвід, який точно допоможе мені в майбутній роботі.
Ігор Маверицький
Rating: 5 / 5
Entrepreneurship and Trade
Навчання на спеціальності "Підприємництво та торгівля" для мене дуже насичене і корисне. Проєкти, кейси, практичні заняття - все це допомагає зрозуміти, як працює сучасний бізнес, і спробувати розвиватися в ньому уже під час навчання.
Rating: 5 / 5
Entrepreneurship and Trade
З дитинства бачив себе в бізнесі і вдячний коледжу за те, що допомагають мені здійснити дитячу мрію. Підприємництво для мене доволі складне, потрібно тримати в голові багато деталей та реально розуміти всі процеси. В коледжі я отримую дуже добрий старт і базу. Дякую.
Максим Іллюшенко
Rating: 5 / 5
Graphic design
Іду в коледж, щоб вивчати дизайн. Вже маю багато питань і чекаю практики! Дуже зручно, що можна почати кар'єру ще в коледжі.
Оксана Манівець
Rating: 5 / 5
Давно вирішила, що хочу працювати з різними запитами і не зосереджуватися тільки на одній темі. Тому починаю навчання на спеціальності "Маркетинг" в коледжі "Оптіма". Для мене це можливість отримати сучасну професію, яка дозволить постійно дізнаватися щось нове та працювати із просуванням різних сфер та бізнесів. Ідеальне комбо для мене.
Rating: 5 / 5
Найкращий коледж! Чудова можливість отримувати фахову освіту дистанційно! Дякуємо за оперативність роботи Приймальної комісії!)
Rating: 5 / 5
Entrepreneurship and Trade
Все класно
Катерина Корчова
Rating: 5 / 5
Computer Science
Вивчення програмування та інформаційних технологій - це завжди цікаво та актуально. Коледж допомагає мені реалізувати свій потенціал у сфері ІТ. Вдячна викладач, що пояснюють мені кожну незрозумілу задачу та розкладають інформацію по полицям.

FAQ (frequently asked questions)

A certificate of complete general secondary education and a diploma of a vocational college. All documents are state-standard. The form of education is not indicated on the certificate of complete secondary education. The diploma will state the full-time form of education, as indicated in the contract.

Year 1: General education program for grades 10-11. 
Year 2: General education program for grade 11 + vocational subjects. 
After the second year, students take the state final exams (DPA) in the form of the external independent assessment (ZNO) and are issued certificates of complete general secondary education. 
Years 3-4: Vocational subjects. At the end of their studies, students receive an OPTIMA vocational college diploma.

For graduates of 9th grade. There are no age restrictions for applicants. The main requirement is having a certificate of basic secondary education.

1. Unique video lectures and educational materials that help our students easily understand even complex vocational topics.
2. The opportunity to obtain a vocational pre-university education remotely.
3. Specializations and qualifications relevant in Ukraine, Europe, and globally.
4. Licensed vocational pre-university educational programs.
5. A modern educational platform for distance learning available 24/7.
6. Education without spatial and temporal limitations.
7. Many years of experience in distance learning and educational content development, including for higher education institutions.
8. Progressive educational methodologies, cross-disciplinary approaches, and highly professional skills.
9. Combining theory and practice. 
10. Professional, caring teachers who provide support and guidance to students.
11. Access to up-to-date knowledge, competitive competencies, and modern skills that facilitate quick employment for young professionals.

OPTIMA Distance College: Professional Education Without Any Boundaries

Finishing 9th grade and dreaming of a reliable foundation for your future career? Study at home in your favorite pajamas and acquire exceptionally useful knowledge that will change your life! OPTIMA Distance College offers you favorable learning conditions and the opportunity to easily, quickly, and joyfully attain a degree of Professional Junior Bachelor. Overcome the limitations of time and distance, expand the horizons of your future today with OPTIMA!  

Learning on Your Terms

Feeling like a student and achieving incredible academic success without leaving your cozy room is a reality that OPTIMA Distance College offers. Forget about the arduous journey to school in the morning; now knowledge comes directly to you at home.

  • Flexible schedule. At OPTIMA Distance College, you set your own schedule. There's no need to adapt to a rigid class timetable. Study the material at a time convenient for you, whether it's in the morning, afternoon, or evening.
  • Perfect balance. Combine studying, work, and personal life. Distance college allows you to balance various activities. You no longer have to choose between education, career, hobbies, and friends. Now you can have it all at once.
  • Modern technologies. You will have 24/7 access to the educational platform of the distance college. We employ cutting-edge technologies for learning, ensuring you have the most up-to-date information and study materials. Rest assured, your education meets the highest standards!
  • Progressive methodologies. We use progressive educational strategies that promote active learning, interaction, discussion, and project work. Interdisciplinary approaches help students broaden their horizons and develop diverse skills. We combine theory with practice so that distance college students gain real-world experience in their chosen field even during their studies.
  • Individual approach. At OPTIMA Distance College, each student is a unique individual with their own needs, interests, learning approaches, and pace of program mastery. You can expect assistance at any time and study in a way that suits you best.
  • Self-development opportunity. At OPTIMA Distance College, we aim not only to educate but also to inspire our students for continuous self-improvement. You will acquire knowledge and skills, develop qualities that will be useful to you in the future.
  • Support at every step. We understand that a student's success depends not only on educational programs but also on support and mentoring. The instructors at the distance college are experienced mentors who are always there to help you with any questions regarding education and career.

Don't wait, join the community of successful students at OPTIMA Distance College. Take the first step towards professional growth!  

Realize Your Career Dreams!

At OPTIMA Distance College, you have the opportunity to obtain higher professional education that meets the highest standards both in Ukraine and internationally. Our specialty programs are developed taking into account the current needs of the labor market and the requirements of modern society.  

Entrepreneurship and Trade

OPTIMA Distance College prepares students for successful careers in the fields of business and commercial activities. Master the theory of entrepreneurship, study modern economic trends, develop practical skills in company management, and devise successful marketing strategies.  


Study the peculiarities of behavior and personality development. You will gain knowledge about psychological processes and diagnostic methods that will be useful both in working with clients and in personal life.  

Computer Science

At the distance college, you can delve into modern technologies and programming. Learn to work with various computer systems and databases, create software, analyze algorithms, and solve complex tasks in the field of information technology.
Choose your specialty at OPTIMA Distance College and start your path to a successful career today!

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