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Innovative approaches to advertising and promotion of goods

Why do you think some brands are memorable at first sight, while others go unnoticed for many years? It's all about approaches to advertising. 


Psychodiagnostics in school psychology: how to help students and teachers

Psychodiagnostics is not only a tool for the effective work of a school psychologist, but also an important resource for everyone who works with children. 


What skills are needed for a successful career in systems analysis?

If you think that to succeed in systems analysis, you only need to know computer programs, you are wrong. Systems analysis is not just a technical specialisation, but a comprehensive approach to problem solving and process improvement. 


General psychology in action: practical examples of applying theories

Sometimes it seems that learning numerous psychological theories, concepts and terms can be difficult and exhausting. But if you don't just learn them, but understand how to apply them in practice, everything becomes much more interesting and useful.


5 most popular professions that you can master with a degree in Computer Science at OPTIMA College

If you like to solve complex problems and create something new, or just want to understand how the latest technologies work, then the Computer Science study programme is for you. 


Employment prospects after studying Entrepreneurship and Trade

Studying at OPTIMA Distance College is the first step towards a successful career. Business processes are constantly evolving and trade is becoming more and more global, so knowledge and skills in the field of entrepreneurship and trade are considered very valuable. 


Opportunities for graphic designers in the advertising industry

If you're interested in graphic design, you probably already know that it's more than just creating stylish pictures. 


An example of a motivation letter for the speciality ‘Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities’

Writing a motivation letter for admission to the Business, Trade and Exchange Studies programme is an interesting and challenging task. 


Introduction to marketing: what subjects to take at college and university

Do you dream of a career in marketing but don't know where to start? Of course, with education! But before you run to the admission committee, you should figure out what subjects you need to take to become a marketer to enter a college or university. 

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