
Entrepreneurship and Trade

At OPTIMA – study with the best and develop your business potential!
Підприємництво та торгівля

Ensure a successful career in the future – choose OPTIMA College for distance learning!

Become a successful entrepreneur with OPTIMA College. Education that opens up a world of possibilities!

Every day, many new businesses are launched, but not all of them achieve success. By choosing education at the distance college OPTIMA, you can become successful and competitive entrepreneurs! Learn about various types of economic activities, entrepreneurship planning and organization, marketing, the financial aspect of business and trade. With our help, you will open hundreds of shells that hide the true pearls of the world – knowledge! Gain education and become professionals REMOTELY!

The Specialization "Entrepreneurship and Trade" in the college is an opportunity to learn the basics of business and unlock your potential.

The college program lasts for 2 years and 10 months, providing graduates with many advantages and prospects:

opportunity to take the first steps in trade / entrepreneurship / business;

Continuing education at university and obtaining higher education. College graduates can even enter some universities directly into the 2nd or 3rd year of study (if it's the same specialization);

Combining work in the field with further education. While studying at university, you can work and apply the knowledge gained in college in practice. This way, you will further develop as a professional, acquiring new knowledge and experience;

Competence in everyday life. Knowing the principles and strategies of entrepreneurship, marketing, and trade makes it much easier to exist in a world where trade is a significant part of our lives.

Підприємництво та торгівля

Distance learning allows you to study on a flexible schedule and provides convenient access to educational materials.

This enables students to combine learning with other activities such as personal development, work, relaxation, and more. You can acquire professional education from anywhere without spending time and money on commuting!


Studying the "Entrepreneurship and Trade" specialization helps you understand how to run your own business, sell goods, and create a successful business plan. This education opens up broad opportunities for starting your own venture and realizing entrepreneurial ideas.

Start your studies from September 1st
Study duration: 2 years 10 months
Legal basis of social relations
Business etiquette and social responsibility
Micro- and macroeconomics
Economics of the enterprise
Finance of the enterprise
Ukrainian business broadcasting
Information systems and technologies in business
History of Ukrainian statehood and culture
Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle
Foreign language (for professional purposes)
Fundamentals of labour protection and life safety
Entrepreneurship II
Mediation and negotiation
Economic analysis
Fundamentals of stock exchange activity
Market research
Pricing and pricing policy management
Securities and the stock market
Investments and innovations in business and trade
Management decisions in business and trade
Personnel management
Planning of production and commercial activities
Tuition Fees
Підприємництво та торгівля

Education in the specialization of "Entrepreneurship and Trade"

in our college, it is incredibly relevant and very convenient.

It's an excellent choice for those who aspire to develop in the modern business environment and pioneer innovative approaches in the entrepreneurial sphere.

For detailed consultation, call +380 (67) 623-33-55

Reviews from our students

Марія Левицька
Rating: 5 / 5
Entrepreneurship and Trade
Вивчення бізнесу - це не тільки навчальні курси, а й можливість розвивати лідерські якості та спілкуватися з професіоналами. Я вдячна коледжу за цю можливість!
Ігор Маверицький
Rating: 5 / 5
Entrepreneurship and Trade
Навчання на спеціальності "Підприємництво та торгівля" для мене дуже насичене і корисне. Проєкти, кейси, практичні заняття - все це допомагає зрозуміти, як працює сучасний бізнес, і спробувати розвиватися в ньому уже під час навчання.
Rating: 5 / 5
Entrepreneurship and Trade
З дитинства бачив себе в бізнесі і вдячний коледжу за те, що допомагають мені здійснити дитячу мрію. Підприємництво для мене доволі складне, потрібно тримати в голові багато деталей та реально розуміти всі процеси. В коледжі я отримую дуже добрий старт і базу. Дякую.
Rating: 5 / 5
Entrepreneurship and Trade
Все класно

FAQ (frequently asked questions)

At OPTIMA College, we offer flexible distance education that allows students to combine learning with other activities. Our programs focus on developing your business potential and preparing you for a successful future career. You will learn to plan and organize entrepreneurial activities, master marketing, financial accounting, and other important aspects of trade and entrepreneurship.

The cost of studying the "Entrepreneurship and Trade" program at OPTIMA College is 2000 UAH per month.

The duration of the "Entrepreneurship and Trade" program at OPTIMA College is 2 years and 10 months.

Distance learning at OPTIMA College allows students to study according to an individual flexible schedule. This is ideal for those who wish to combine education with work, business development, or leisure. It also provides convenient access to all necessary educational materials and the ability to study from anywhere without spending time and money on travel.

Step1. Contact for consultation at +380 67 6233355.
Step 2. If you decide to enroll in OPTIMA Distance College, provide your details to the consultant: student's full name, client's name who is contacting, one parent's full name (if not contacted by parents), contact phone numbers, and email address (if possible).
Step 3. Register a personal electronic account on the website https://vstup.edbo.gov.ua/.
Step 4. Submit an electronic application through the personal account on the website https://vstup.edbo.gov.ua/.
Step 5. Sign a contract with OPTIMA Vocational College.
Step 6. Make the payment.
Step 7. Start studying from September 1st.

Specialization for Ambitious Leaders: “Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Stock Exchange Activities”

Do you want to start your own business, lead a team, and successfully sell your ideas or products? All this is possible if you choose the specialization “Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Stock Exchange Activities.” At OPTIMA College, you will learn to analyze markets, understand supply and demand, and apply financial tools to increase profits. Along with a diploma in Junior Bachelor, you will gain practical skills and knowledge necessary to become a successful entrepreneur or manager in any field. And you don’t need years of experience for this—we’ll help you develop your talents right after 9th grade!

A Comprehensive Set of Relevant Knowledge and Skills

The specialization “Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Stock Exchange Activities” is in high demand, as it provides education that is valuable in any business. Additionally, there are several advantages to this specialization.

  1. Practical Skills. You will learn to create business plans, analyze markets, and make strategic decisions. With these skills, it’s much easier to become a successful entrepreneur or manager.
  2. Understanding Economic Processes. This specialization will help you understand how economic mechanisms work. You will learn to accurately assess market opportunities and risks.
  3. Financial Literacy. You will discover how to manage finances, invest, and work with stock exchange instruments. This knowledge will be useful not only in your professional life but also in daily life.
  4. Development of Leadership Qualities. This specialization will help you develop organizational and communication skills. You will become a leader capable of effectively managing any business.
  5. Starting Your Own Business. With a solid foundation in entrepreneurship, trade, and stock exchange activities, you will be able to realize your boldest business ideas. We will teach you how to start your own business and make it successful.
  6. Understanding Modern Technologies. The curriculum for the specialization “Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Stock Exchange Activities” includes studying innovative technologies and ways to apply them in business. This will allow you to remain competitive in the market.

Studying the specialization “Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Stock Exchange Activities” not only provides theoretical knowledge but also ensures practical training. You will participate in interesting projects and interact with successful entrepreneurs and industry experts. This is an opportunity to familiarize yourself with real cases and understand how to achieve success.

Professional Opportunities for Graduates

After mastering the specialization “Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Stock Exchange Activities,” you can work in various fields and hold different positions. Let’s consider the most popular ones.

  • Sales Manager. You will be responsible for increasing sales volumes, developing strategies, and negotiating with clients.
  • Analyst. Knowledge of market processes will allow you to analyze data and forecast trends.
  • Entrepreneur. Education in “Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Stock Exchange Activities” will prepare you to create and manage your own business.
  • Stock Broker. You will be able to work on the stock exchange, buy and sell securities, and consult clients on investment matters.

Fast Career Growth

The specialization “Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Stock Exchange Activities” offers numerous opportunities for building a promising career. You can later hold managerial positions, such as sales department head, financial director, general director, and more.

The specialization “Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Stock Exchange Activities” gives graduates the opportunity to work not only in Ukraine but also abroad. Your knowledge of economic and financial processes will be valuable in any country.

Find Your Calling!

By studying the specialization “Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Stock Exchange Activities,” you will gain not only knowledge but also confidence in your abilities. We will help you develop your talents, discover what you love, and achieve success in business. Are you ready to take the first step toward a great future?

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