Horbatykh Viktoriia Viktorivna

Horbatykh Viktoriia Viktorivna

Teacher of the discipline "Psychology".


Qualification category: Specialist of the first category.


Graduated from Zaporizhzhia National University, Faculty of Social Pedagogy and Psychology, specializing in "Psychology", obtained a scientific degree of candidate of psychological sciences in the specialty "Pedagogical and Developmental Psychology".

Victoria Viktorivna is initiative, creative, communicative, persistent, and inventive. She began her professional career as a psychologist at the educational laboratory of therapeutic pedagogy at Zaporizhzhia National University. She has held administrative positions in educational institutions, worked as a psychologist in private schools, preschool institutions, at the laboratory of V. A. Roments' Psychology History, and at the H. S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine.

In education and social sphere, this teacher uses art therapy technologies. The direction of art therapy is close to her, as Victoria Viktorivna has a musical and artistic education.

In addition to modern psychological techniques, she applies STEM technologies in her work, as she is convinced that for effective personality development, one must consider their interests. She's grateful for working in a team of like-minded people, she believes that a great journey begins with small steps.


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