Myers-Briggs Personality Types: How They Impact Careers and Relationships


Have you ever wondered why some people easily connect with others while others prefer spending time alone? Why do some always seek new experiences, while others prefer stability? These questions can be easily answered by studying the Myers-Briggs personality types. Let’s explore this concept to learn more about ourselves, friends, family, and acquaintances.

The Essence of the Theory and Personality Type Indicators

This theory, created by Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Myers-Briggs based on Carl Jung’s work, views people as unique individuals with their own preferences, reactions, and ways of perceiving the world. Each of us is a combination of four main criteria that determine a specific personality type.

  1. Extraversion (E) and Introversion (I).
    This characteristic describes where we direct our energy. Extraverts gain strength from external stimuli and interaction with others. They are often focused on activity and enjoy socializing. Introverts, on the other hand, prefer their inner world and feel more inspired when alone or with a small circle of close friends.
  2. Sensing (S) and Intuition (N).
    This criterion reveals how we perceive information. Some people focus on concrete facts and details, enjoying working with what can be seen or touched. In contrast, intuitive people are more future-oriented and feel comfortable in the world of ideas and possibilities.
  3. Thinking (T) and Feeling (F).
    This refers to how we make decisions and analyze information. People who prefer thinking prioritize logic and objectivity in their decisions, analyzing situations based on specific principles. Others are guided by emotions and personal beliefs when making decisions.
  4. Judging (J) and Perceiving (P).
    The final criterion indicates how we organize the world around us. Some rely on structure and organization, striving to complete every task. Others are flexible, valuing spontaneity and being able to quickly adapt to any circumstances.

These four dimensions interact to create 16 possible personality types in the Myers-Briggs system.

Personality Types You Should Know

To understand the different personality types, think of them as different "models" of people — each with its own qualities, tendencies, and abilities. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most popular ones.

  1. ISTJ. These individuals prefer order and stability. Their main goal is to ensure reliability and organization in all affairs. Inspectors are known for their practicality. They pay attention to details and believe that work should be done right the first time. 
  2. ESTP. This personality type consists of true adventurers. They are always seeking new experiences and opportunities. Energetic, confident, and open to new things, they easily adapt to change and can make quick decisions in complex situations. 
  3. INFP. Creative and sensitive, always striving for deep meaning in everything around them. This personality type is distinguished by a strong inner moral compass and an unwavering desire to help others. They are sometimes called dreamers who understand the depths of human emotions. 
  4. ENTJ. Natural leaders with clear goals and a readiness to face challenges in achieving them. This personality type is also known as "commanders," as they excel in motivating others to achieve high results and believe in strategy and organization. 
  5. ESFJ. These are the protectors of others. Warm-hearted and caring, they strive for harmonious relationships. This personality type is known for its strong empathy and ability to understand the needs of others. 
  6. ISTP. They are called masters of engineering. They love analyzing and solving complex issues, always striving to make things more efficient. These practical and calm individuals can find a solution to any difficult situation. 
  7. ENFP. This personality type often becomes a source of ideas and inspiration for others. They are free thinkers who see potential in everything around them and are always ready to explore new horizons.

Understanding these personality types will help you communicate more effectively, build a career, and maintain personal relationships. But this is just the beginning! If you want to learn more, we invite you to study Psychology at OPTIMA Distance College. Gain valuable knowledge and practical experience that will help you become a specialist in this promising field!

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