Computer science - useful articles and current news

Read our blog to keep up to date with the latest news and interesting articles on computer science. Learn about new trends in distance learning with Optima College.


Basics of Computer Modeling: Concepts and Methods

Computer modeling is one of the most popular learning directions at OPTIMA distance college. This is not surprising, as in the modern information world, the ability to create virtual analogs of real phenomena and processes is of tremendous importance. 


The Importance of Testing in Software Engineering: Types and Methods

At first glance, it might seem that if software (SW) works flawlessly, no testing is necessary. But is this true in practice? 


Fundamentals of Computer Network Organization: How This Knowledge Opens New Opportunities for Modern Professionals

Computer networks have long become an integral part of our daily and professional lives. From sending emails to friends to collaborating on projects in real-time, organizing computer networks is essential for effective and secure communication. 

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